Let's be honest and real for a second.

You are ready to step into your inner power and activate your confidence like never before.

You have wild and beautiful dreams that require your loving attention.

You know that you are destined for a magical and audaciously abundant life.

And you KNOW, the time is NOW.

Because you are a leader who leaps. You MOVE. You trust your guidance.

I’m so glad you’re here!!!!

“One of the best things I’ve gotten from coaching is it’s taught me that I am the creator of my own life and I am capable of anything and everything I put my mind to.

— Brittney P, MN


Our time together will be uniquely tailored to who you are and who you want to become, all within a non-judgmental space where you can be wholly yourself!

  • 4x 60-minute calls over zoom or phone every month for 6 months minimum.

    Includes M-F texting and voice message support as needed.

    Includes access to all workshops, masterclasses and other events I offer while we are working together, plus an abundance of bonus material.

  • 3x monthly 60-minute calls for 6 months minimum.

    Includes M-F texting and voice message support as needed.

    Includes access to all workshops, masterclasses and other events I offer while we are working together, plus an abundance of bonus material.

  • Includes 4 calls per month

    Includes M-F texting and voice message support as needed.

    Includes access to all workshops, masterclasses and other events I offer while we are working together, plus an abundance of bonus material.

  • 6x 60-min sessions for $1222

    8x 60-min sessions for $1555

    Expire after 6 months

group coaching + workshops

Group programs, events and workshops happen several times a year. To stay in the know and receive further details on when these occur, please join us here so we can keep in touch.

  • Lifetime access to a living library of quick, potent + accessible pleasure practices, taking you on a journey of enhancing your daily pleasure capacity from a grounded nervous system and connected to your inner divinity. Check it out here.

  • The pleasure pathway of living an audacious life. Learn more here

  • Coming in 2024


My intention is to guide people in uncovering their inner wisdom through deep relationship with the Earth, their body, their authentic self and community

  • Applications open now

    June 22-27


    Backpacking beginners welcome

  • August 22-28

    Apply here

    For hardcore backpacking baddies


Not sure which coaching service is a right fit for you? I’d like to help you find the perfect one. Schedule a free consult with me.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Let’s talk! I love getting creative to support your journey, plus I have a wealth of resources and community to point you in the right direction.



Your entire life can look - and more importantly feel - entirely different in just a few short months.

You'll gain clarity over what it is you truly want (not what you've been told you should want). You'll feel empowered to confidently pioneer a life path that turns you on.

You’ll step into your electric expression. All-heads-turn-magnetism. Your life will start working for you, and you’ll feel a deep soul satisfaction for the journey, rather than the destination.

You’ll raise your standards for your life, up level your integrity, and experience more power in your voice, creativity, money, nervous system, decision making, relationships, body, career, love, + sex.

You’ll say bye-bye to the shame, limitations and barriers that have been holding you back (for years), embrace a new way of thinking and embody a new way of being. You'll have the tools and skillset to nurture your mind, body spirit connection for life.

You’ll develop profound intimacy with every aspect of your life. Nothing is off the table. You’ll engage with your shadow + your light with non-judgement and self-sovereignty. You’re not broken + you never have been. You have always been worthy. You just forgot.

WHY NOW? Your intuition brought you here

When I was experiencing disconnection from my body, sexuality, relationships, and divine personal power,

it led me to having a real, honest moment with myself where I then dove head first into everything I had been avoiding within. What was in the way, became The Way.

On the other side of my shadows was my light… my full, fierce self expression… my worthiness to be without needing a single permission slip from anything or anyone outside of me.

Over the last several years, I've invested multiple five figures into myself, learning from renowned coaches and leaders in the field - training programs, private coaching, group coaching, workshops, courses, and a variety of other healing modalities - all of this to grow and show up in my fullest expression. And let me tell you - it's been worth every penny.

Now, my coaching experiences are not just programs; they are a whole new way of thinking and being - an initiation into the creative life force you were born to be. They are a co-creative alchemy between my soul and the soul of those I serve. Every one initiates me, too, into a better leader, human and lover. But - they are not for everyone. It's for those who feel that intuitive nudge saying you are meant for more. If you're experiencing that - trust it. The Universe has your back, always. And, you're exactly where you're supposed to be.

Co-creating a world with diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging is so important to me. I am always learning and growing around this topic. In efforts to make transformational work more inclusive, so that we can all live our highest quality of life, many of my offerings are on a sliding scale payment system and/or offer financial scholarship opportunities. Financial scholarship opportunities are on a first come, first serve basis with priority going to BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks. Fill out the form on the right to inquire about what opportunities are available for you.

what people are saying...

“One of our primary focuses was exploring different aspects of my life that play into the theme of keeping me small and what's keeping me from shining my light brightly.

I left with more empowerment and embodiment of the divine feminine, my authenticity and being able to share me transparently with the world.”

—Amy, WI

“Erika is a brilliant facilitator and jam packed so much value into every session! I learned tools for communicating my needs and advocating for my desires while also feeling more safe in myself. I really loved all the opportunities to practice embodying the learnings and not just talking about it. Erika was also supportive between calls and really available to everyone in the group for extra support. I recommend Audacity and Desire 1000% to anyone who wants a breakthrough in feeling more at home in themselves so that the can also deepen intimacy with others"

—Ilana, CA

“Coaching with Erika has helped me to see new perspectives and ways of being that I never would have been able to witness myself!

After every session with her, I always felt so excited and empowered to go about my week and engage in my life in new ways. She listened to me in such a deep way that made me feel heard and understood.

She has helped me to accept all parts of myself so that I may live my life with more authenticity and vibrancy."

—Rylee, HI

I work at one of the top high-tech companies. I was "successful," but I didn't feel fulfilled.

I had the honor of collaborating with Erika for a year. During this time, my most significant breakthrough was in the realm of intimacy. A year ago, I was a workaholic. I had a good romantic relationship, but it lacked passion. I wanted to serve God, but it was out of fear, not love. I loved and respected my mom, but I felt distant from her.

Erika supported me to create the transformation and revealed some of my deepest beliefs, such as the fear that I am selfish and a loser.

Her coaching slowly yet profoundly altered my perspective on life, uncertainty, death, and more. I cried and experienced intimacy within myself, with my wife, my parents, and God.

In addition to her ontological coaching approach, I want to emphasize her inner being during coaching. It felt like she let her soul and heart flow freely in our conversations, providing me with support while challenging me.

If you're living a successful working life but not feeling fulfilled, and you're constantly sabotaging yourself in your work, relationships, or personal time, Erika is the person to turn to.

—Edison, CA