Empowered intimacy is a chance to love ourselves and each other in our most raw + natural form...

feel states of ecstasy that are deeply healing to the body…

and experience freedom of expression.

This kind of freedom translates to your whole life.

Experiences of sexual ecstasy and everyday pleasure make it worth getting up in the morning and really taking the time to live your day with intention.

Your life becomes less of a struggle and survival to win the approval of others, and more of a celebration of who you truly are (this was huge for me).


You can do this work whether you are in a relationship or single, because your sexuality is about YOU, first.

We think we want better sex, but what most people want is intimacy

You can have sex without intimacy and you can have intimacy without sex.

Intimacy is vulnerability, self expression without masks, authentic relating, and meaningful depth of connection with empathy + acceptance.

Most humans I work with are still unconsciously (and often consciously) operating on beliefs slapped onto us from:

- adolescence through mainstream media, p*rn and fairytales

- lack of proper sexual education

- sub-par experiences from the past

- patriarchal colonialism

- traumatic events and intergenerational trauma

As a society we NEED to do better.

As a collective we are completely ignorant of the sacredness of sexuality and the power of true intimacy.

We ALL are living an epidemic of disconnection.

This is why I became an intimacy coach.


“I had the honor of collaborating with Erika for a year. During this time, my most significant breakthrough was in the realm of intimacy. A year ago, I was a workaholic. I had a good romantic relationship, but it lacked passion. I wanted to serve God, but it was out of fear, not love. I loved and respected my mom, but I felt distant from her.

Her coaching slowly yet profoundly altered my perspective on life, uncertainty, death, and more. I cried and experienced intimacy within myself, with my wife, my parents, and God.

It felt like she let her soul and heart flow freely in our conversations, providing me with support while challenging me. If you're living a successful working life but not feeling fulfilled, and you're constantly sabotaging yourself in your work, relationships, or personal time, Erika is the person to turn to.”

Get your sex life back, or maybe develop it for the first time.

If you're struggling with personal issues such as disconnection from self, lack of self confidence, or low libido, you are in the right place.

Your numbness is a protection. You’re not broken.

The body keeps the score - we all have complex history in our nervous systems based on thousands of years of misogynistic and patriarchal oppression that says it’s unsafe to be fully spiritually and sexually expressed in the world. 

For so long (and largely still today) a sexually empowered woman has been looked down upon. Women in the past who were spiritually and sexually empowered were called witches and burned. They were made ugly and scary in stories and media.

The power of a woman has been historically feared by other people in power, so we’ve been brainwashed to keep quiet, view our monthly bleeds as dirty, we are here to serve men, and we are sl*ts for being free in our sexuality, to name a few. In fear of “being disowned by the tribe,” we have been conditioning ourselves to fit in, & not take up too much space, operate like men and not claim our feminine power.

If you have this complex history stored in your nervous system and unconscious beliefs that your pleasure is dangerous, in order to protect yourself and distract from your power - you’ll criticize your body, judge your sexuality and take on shame + blame as if something is wrong with you and it’s your fault. Because, if you’re too busy criticizing yourself, you won’t ever explore deeper and unlock your power.

This is the secret code back into your body. 

If your system doesn’t know how to process the toxicity of shame and self-criticism, in order to get to your true radiance within, you’ll stop yourself from experiencing your next level of pleasure, self expression and thriving.

This is where I come in :) Liberating yourself from this toxic story and all the sneaky ways it shows up is the foundation of the work that I do with my 1:1 + group clients. The moment you realize you can let go of this lie you’ve been fed, you create the space for your pleasure and power to come alive.

You get to trail blaze the life path that turns you on.

The story stops with you.

In fact, I want every feminine being on this planet to reclaim their worthiness, power and sexuality...

To own their sacred feminine magic and sparkle with sublime sensation + full aliveness.

I want every human on this planet to feel safe in their body and to be madly in love with every single part of their magnificent self.

And my mission in life? Is to support you with the guidance and tools to get you there.


“Working with Erika was so powerful. I came to her while I was walking on the edge of starting a new approach in my business that required more vulnerability, visibility, and leadership. She helped me step into my power in a way that doesn’t require “more” of me, but that allows me to just harness the qualities that are already innately within me so that I can own who I fully am and my inner feminine leader. If you’re looking for a way to deeply connect with your inner power so that you can show up for your life, business and relationships feeling aligned…Erika is your girl!”